Institutional structure of public finance law

Palabras clave: Institutionalization, Law, Pandemic, Russian. Derecho, Institucionalización, Pandemia, Rusia.



The article deals with actual problems of the institutionalization of the modern Russian financial law as a branch of law. The problems of the modern concept of the subject of the financial law of the Russian Federation and the construction of financial law on institutional and pandemic systems are investigated. Approaches for the allocation in the financial law system of such entities as fiscal law and the issue law, and the right of monetary circulation, the rights of public revenues are presented. In conclusion, the author's presentation to the system of the financial law of Russia is given.



El artículo trata problemas reales de la institucionalización de la ley financiera rusa moderna como una rama de la ley. Se investigan los problemas del concepto moderno del tema del derecho financiero de la Federación de Rusia y la construcción del derecho financiero sobre los sistemas institucionales y pandémicos. Se presentan enfoques para la asignación en el sistema de derecho financiero de entidades tales como la ley fiscal y la ley de emisión, y el derecho de circulación monetaria, los derechos de los ingresos públicos. En conclusión, se presenta el autor al sistema de derecho financiero de Rusia.

Biografía del autor/a

Mannep A. TSINDELIANI, Russian State University Justice
Works as an associate professor of Financial Law and Civil law insolvency in Russian Federation. The research interests of the author are new aspects of Financial Law, Law cases in digital economy, features of main elements of taxation in a digital economy. His last research was about legal design of the tax. Now the author is working on the researches in the sphere of Institutional Structure of Public Finance Law. At this sphere, he deals with actual problems of the institutionalization of the modern Russian financial law as a branch of law.


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Cómo citar
TSINDELIANI, M. A. (2019). Institutional structure of public finance law. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 370-377. Recuperado a partir de