Impact of brand equity on consumer purchase intent

Palabras clave: Brand Equity, Consumer, Purchase Intent. consumidor, intención de compra, valor de marca.



The primary aim of this study was to investigate the impact of brand loyalty and brand association on consumer purchase intent. It also aimed to examin the association between brand awareness and perceived quality related to consumer purchase intent. Findings revealed that both brand loyalty and brand association are significantly associated with consumer purchase intent, whereas brand awareness and perceived quality are not significantly related to consumer purchase intent. Non-random based sampling technique was used to collect data from 260 respondents through close-ended questionnaires from different market places of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Malaysia.



El objetivo principal de este estudio fue investigar el impacto de la lealtad a la marca y la asociación de la marca en la intención de compra del consumidor. También tenía como objetivo examinar la asociación entre el conocimiento de la marca y la calidad percibida relacionada con la intención de compra del consumidor. Los resultados revelaron que tanto la lealtad a la marca como la asociación de la marca están significativamente asociadas con la intención de compra del consumidor, mientras que el conocimiento de la marca y la calidad percibida no están significativamente relacionadas con la intención de compra del consumidor. Se utilizó una técnica de muestreo no aleatorio para recopilar datos de 260 encuestados a través de cuestionarios cerrados de diferentes mercados de Dupla Lampur y Salangor, Malasia.

Biografía del autor/a

S RUNGSRISAWAT, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
holds a Ph.D. in Communications from the University of Westminster, UK. He is currently the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. His areas of expertise are Communication, Public and Business Administration, Education, and Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences.
S SIRINAPATPOKIN, Jungwattana Group Co., Ltd.
Sirinapatta Sirinapokin holds a Ph.D. in Leadership in Society, Business and Politics from College of Social Innovation, Rangsit University, Thailand. She also studying Ph.D. in Development Administration at the Graduate School, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. She currently is the Manager Director of Jungwatatana Group Co., Ltd. Her research areas are Public and Private Administration, Local Politics, and Leadership.


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Cómo citar
RUNGSRISAWAT, S., & SIRINAPATPOKIN, S. (2019). Impact of brand equity on consumer purchase intent. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 360-369. Recuperado a partir de