Socio-pragmatic representation of animal in Al-Bahah proverbs: an eco-linguistic analysis

Palabras clave: Apothegm, Eco-Linguistics, Metaphor, Relevance Theory. Apotegma, Eco-Lingüística, Metáfora, Teoría de la Relevancia.



The present study aims to reconstruct a synchronic eco-linguistic analysis of Al-Bahah animal proverbs to deduce the representation of the human-animal relationship. The collected data attested four classifications of Al-Bahah animal proverbs and proverb-like expressions into general truth, cultural, social, and apothegm groups. The study reveals that Al-Bahah animal proverbs are not only sociolinguistic-specific but also ecological-specific. To interpret the relevance of these animal proverbs to the Al-Bahah ecosystem, methodologically this study moves along two lines of analysis: a linguistic analysis of metaphorical proverbs, and the social analysis. The present study highlights the Al-Bahah culture and oral tradition.



El presente estudio tiene como objetivo reconstruir un análisis eco-lingüístico sincrónico de los proverbios de animales de Al-Bahah. Los datos recopilados atestiguaron cuatro clasificaciones de los proverbios de animales de Al-Bahah y expresiones similares a los proverbios. El estudio revela que los proverbios de animales de Al-Bahah no son solo sociolingüísticos -específicos, sino también ecológico-específicos. Para interpretar la relevancia de estos proverbios animales para el ecosistema de Al-Bahah, metodológicamente este estudio se mueve a lo largo de dos líneas de análisis: un análisis lingüístico de los proverbios metafóricos y el análisis social. El presente estudio destaca la cultura y la tradición oral de Al-Bahah.

Biografía del autor/a

N. A ALGHAMDI, Faculty of Arts, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University

Naimah Ahmad Alghamdi is an Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics at the English Department, Faculty of Arts, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University. She is also a member of Tawasoul  Inter., Center for Research, Publication, and Dialogue, Rome, Italy. Moreover, she is the chief -editor of IJLLS Journal, a member of SSL, King Saud Univ., Riyadh. She has published three books on literary translation, awarded by SGI-Gulf-Dubai, UAE in (2018) on “Poetic Heart Symposium” for her literary translation. Her areas of research interest include Sociolinguistics, Cultural studies, literary Translation and Discourse Analysis.


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Cómo citar
ALGHAMDI, N. A. (2019). Socio-pragmatic representation of animal in Al-Bahah proverbs: an eco-linguistic analysis. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 274-284. Recuperado a partir de