Succession of King Hamengku Buwono X Ngayogykarta

Palabras clave: King HB X, Ngayogyakarta Kingdom, Succession of Power, Word of King King HB X, Palabra del Rey, Reino de Ngayogyakarta, Sucesión de Poder.



King is God's representative who does not submit to the king of the same as opposing God's will. In a king, the soul is saved on integrity and truth emit because a king can absorb supernatural forces in himself. The Javanese enthroned king was basically one who could not be entered by people from outside the Keraton. The Javanese concept said political power is not something that can be contested. Political power is something that is passed down and is come directly from the revelation of the Almighty.


El rey es el representante de Dios que no se somete al rey de la misma manera que oponerse a la voluntad de Dios. En un rey el alma se salva en integridad y la verdad se emite, porque un rey puede absorber fuerzas sobrenaturales en sí mismo. El rey entronizado de Java era básicamente a quien no podía entrar gente de fuera del Keraton. El concepto javanés dice que el poder político no es algo que pueda ser disputado. El poder político es algo que se transmite y proviene directamente de la revelación del Todopoderoso.

Biografía del autor/a

A.N.S. RIZAL, The State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta

Alvin Noor Sahab Rizal (S.H.I) is currently a prospective master of Islamic studies at State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah graduate school Jakarta where is sponsored by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. Currently active in the CUSQA (Center for Ushuluddin Studies and Quality Assurance) and the I_Can Community. Previously he obtained a bachelor's degree in Islamic Politics at State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga. He has written various articles on social media which are several politic journals.



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Cómo citar
RIZAL, A. (2019). Succession of King Hamengku Buwono X Ngayogykarta. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 224-233. Recuperado a partir de