Philosophical synergetic approach to the study of old age phenomenon

Palabras clave: Old Age Phenomenon, Philosophical Approach, Synergetics, The Aging Process. El Proceso de Envejecimiento, Enfoque Filosófico, Fenómeno de la Vejez, Sinergética.



Today synergetics is an interdisciplinary trend, exploring general patterns in various phenomena. Philosophical comprehension of old age as the final path of human development includes, first of all, the attitude of a person to the process of aging and to his/her own finiteness. The body is no longer able to fulfill all the functions and to meet the social requirements of mobility and general health due to the physiological changes, and the soul is “in the teeth of death” facing the necessity of addressing the existential problem of the meaning of life.


Hoy la sinérgica es una tendencia interdisciplinaria, que explora patrones generales en varios fenómenos. La comprensión filosófica de la vejez como el camino final del desarrollo humano incluye, en primer lugar, la actitud de una persona hacia el proceso de envejecimiento y hacia su propia finitud. El cuerpo ya no puede cumplir con todas las funciones y cumplir con los requisitos sociales de movilidad y salud general debido a los cambios fisiológicos, y el alma está "en los dientes de la muerte" ante la necesidad de abordar el problema existencial del significado de vida.

Biografía del autor/a

E. V SALIMULLINA, Kazan Federal University

Born on 05 April in 1986. received higher education at Elabuga State Pedagogical Institute of Kazan Federal University, Republic od Russia. Positions that held are Senior Lecturer, Bachelor of Science, Elabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Republic of Russia / Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy (main employee).

M. S ILINA, Kazan Federal University

In 1997-2007 received higher education at Elabuga State Pedagogical Institute of Kazan Federal University, philological. Teacher of English and German. Positions are Associate Professor, Elabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Republic of Russia, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication (main employee).

E. M VILDANOVA, Kazan Federal University

Born on 20.12.1982. In 2000-2005 received higher education at Kazan State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Foreign language with an additional specialty. Teacher of English and French. Positions that held are Associate Professor at KFU, Institute of International Relations, Department Higher School of Foreign Languages and Translation, Department of European Languages and Cultures (main employee).

G. S MULLAGAYANOVA, Kazan Federal University

Gulfiya.S. Mullagayanova. Received master of science from Pavlodar UniversityPavlodar, KZ at philology in 2004, and Doctor of philosophy degree from Tobolsk State Social and Pedagogical Academy: Tobols, RU in 2010. Works for Naberezhnye Chelny Branch of Kazan National Research Technical University A.N. Tupolev, Republic of Russia, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Disciplines.

L. I DYACHENKO, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI

In 2009, Dyachenko L.I. defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences. The dissertation was performed at the Department of General Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, GOU VPO Kazan State University named after V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin. " Since 2010, Dyachenko L.I. has been the assistant professor of the department of humanitarian and social disciplines of the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of KNITU-KAI. The results of the scientific and pedagogical activity of Dyachenko L.I. reflected in more than 50 publications. Articles are at the intersection of a number of sciences: philosophy, gerontology, sociology, psychology, cultural studies.



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Cómo citar
SALIMULLINA, E. V., ILINA, M. S., VILDANOVA, E. M., MULLAGAYANOVA, G. S., & DYACHENKO, L. I. (2019). Philosophical synergetic approach to the study of old age phenomenon. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 19-25. Recuperado a partir de