Concept Of Idealism Philosophy In Islamic Education According To Imam Al-Ghozali

Palabras clave: Idealism Philosophy, Islamic Education, Mind, Religion. educación islámica, Filosofía del idealismo, mente, religión.




The philosophy of Idealism is a philosophical system that emphasizes the importance of the superiority of the thoughts (mind). A mind is a form that can realize the world, even as a catalyst and driving force of all human behavior. Throughout history, the philosophy of idealism is related to religion because they both focus on the spiritual aspect. Thus the study of the flow of philosophical idealism towards Islamic education includes issue objectives of Islamic education, Islamic education curriculum, the teaching methods of Islamic education, the learning material of Islamic education, learners’ position in Islamic education.



La filosofía del idealismo es un sistema filosófico que enfatiza la importancia de la superioridad de los pensamientos (mente). Una mente es una forma que puede realizar el mundo, incluso como catalizador y fuerza impulsora de todo comportamiento humano. A lo largo de la historia, la filosofía del idealismo está relacionada con la religión porque ambos se centran en el aspecto espiritual. Así, el estudio del flujo del idealismo filosófico hacia la educación islámica incluye objetivos temáticos de la educación islámica, el plan de estudios de la educación islámica, los métodos de enseñanza de la educación islámica, el material de aprendizaje de la educación islámica, la posición de los estudiantes en la educación islámica.

Biografía del autor/a

A. SUHAIMI, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Ahmad Suhaimi (S.Pd.i) is currently a prospective master of Islamic studies at the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah graduate school Jakarta, which is sponsored by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. Currently active in the Islamic Love Community Community and the Tasawwuf Institue. Previously he obtained a bachelor's degree in education at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. He has written various articles on social media, several educational journals, and articles published and published at international conferences in the study of Islamic education.



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Cómo citar
SUHAIMI, A. (2019). Concept Of Idealism Philosophy In Islamic Education According To Imam Al-Ghozali. Utopía Y Praxis Latinoamericana, 24(1), 359-369. Recuperado a partir de