Alineando cuerpos pedagógicos vocales de conocimiento en clases de canto

  • Janine Paula Magnin University of Limerick
Keywords: Vocal Pedagogy, Practitioner Research, Academic Rigour, Vocal Studies, Music Didactics


Vocal pedagogy is an emerging academic discipline that is rapidly gaining traction as a rigorous and relevant body of knowledge. However, its knowledge often lacks the rigorous legitimacy required for academic credibility. The Western craft of teaching singing and vocal skills has a long history and is deeply rooted in practical experience. This paper explores academic writers' concerns for legitimizing practical arts practice in academia and higher education institutions. The paper uses phenomenological research on female adolescent singers' experiences to illustrate how this practical-theoretical alignment can be negotiated. This alignment between rigorous credibility and voice teaching can be seen as a dilemma or consideration.


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How to Cite
Magnin, J. P. (2024). Alineando cuerpos pedagógicos vocales de conocimiento en clases de canto. SituArte, 18(31), 91-97. Retrieved from