Light in the perception of the work of art

  • Maria Emilia Longhini Instituto de Investigación en Luz, Ambiente y Visión - UNT - CONICET
  • Raúl Ajmat Instituto de Investigación en Luz, Ambiente y Visión - UNT - CONICET
  • Andrés Martín Instituto de Investigación en Luz, Ambiente y Visión - UNT - CONICET
Keywords: light, exhibition, museum


Art exhibitions in museums with an incorrect light colour temperature can alter users’ perception of colours of the exhibited work and its background. Likewise, very low lighting levels may make it difficult to correctly visualize the artwork, its colours and those of the background. Therefore, a balance between conservation and exhibition is one of the main challenges faced by curators.The aim of this piece of work is to acquire information, classify it in such a way that it would become a contribution of museographic strategies that help the decision-making of the staff in charge of museographic exhibitions, contributing and enhancing users’ experience.


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How to Cite
Longhini, M. E., Ajmat, R., & Martín, A. (2024). Light in the perception of the work of art. SituArte, 17(30), 7-14. Retrieved from