Sinergia de la Triada del Arte y la Investigación-Creación
With the purpose of synergistically relating the three elements of the Art Triad (Artist-Work-Public) as a shaping support of research-creation, this brief theoretical approach is developed, based on the epistemological and psychological, based on Complex Thought , proposed by Morín (1999), the Holistic principle of Hurtado (2000) and the Systemic-Structural Model of Martínez (2012), through a bibliographic-documentary review of authors such as Valladares (2013), Barriga (2011), Daza (2009), Briones (2002), Roger (1999), La Cerda (1993) Matthew Lipman (1990), Archer (1995), Taylor and Bogdan (1987), Kuhn (1975), among others. It is concluded that in Art, the confluence between the Positivist, Interpretative and Socio-critical Paradigms, leads the subject-artist to assume new methods and visualize them from the complex, the systemic, where the intuitive and the subjective, the sensitive and the aesthetic, the objective, the empirical, and the pragmatic intermingle, to understand phenomena typical of the artistic dimension and scientifically validate the results.
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