Uses of repetition as a plastic resource

  • Luisa Sánchez-Pérez Universidad de Granada
  • María Mar Garrido-Román Universidad de Granada
  • María Dolores Sánchez-Pérez Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Repetition, prolepsis, uniqueness, valuie, copy


This essay is framed within a research on the use of repetition as a plastic resource in Contemporary Art. Its objective is to identify ways to repeat as tools for artistic creation to signify opposites. The methodology is a comparative analysis of the work of Andy Warhol, Richard Long and Allan McCollum. Repetition has been indispensable in the configuration of the structures of contemporary art and, therefore, an approach to its forms of use and meaning helps to understand those structures. It is concluded that the meaning of repetition in art depends on the way it is used and contextualized and that it can endow the work with paradoxical meanings, presenting a high range of possibilities from the appearance of stereotypes to themes related to the value, price or uniqueness in art


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Pérez, L., Garrido-Román, M. M., & Sánchez-Pérez, M. D. (2021). Uses of repetition as a plastic resource. SituArte, 15(26), 18-23. Retrieved from