The Paloteo: Dance Tradition of the State of Bolivar

  • Fabiola del Pilar Mendoza Fernández Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana


This proposal began in 1999, based on research carried out in the region on traditional manifestations and by dance teachers' proposals on the lack of tools and theoretical-practical knowledge of the popular culture of the state of Bolivar and the nation. From that moment on, a series of workshops began to be given by teachers from the Ministry of Culture and other private and public institutions. The last phase of the project studied and characterized the dance expression known as El paloteo, as an important contribution to the historical memory of the state of Bolivar and of the nation, because it is considered of great importance, given its rich historical, religious, and geographical content, and also to make it known, and to promote its preservation and projection to new generations


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Las manifestaciones colectivas. Catálogo del patrimonio cultural venezolano 2004-2006. Municipio San Fernando de Apure.

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Nota:Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas del libro de Fabiola del Pilar Mendoza Fernández: “El paloteo, conocimiento, comprensión y socialización como expresión dancística del estado Bolívar” (2012).
How to Cite
Mendoza Fernández, F. del P. (2021). The Paloteo: Dance Tradition of the State of Bolivar. SituArte, 13(24), 32-36. Retrieved from