Physionomic Art: Construct Of Moral Physical Traits Of Ugliness In The Religious Painting Of The Spanish Baroque

  • Aspacia Petrou Universidad del Zulia
  • Fabiola Negrón Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Physionomic Art, painting of the spanish, Baroque Art, evil-uglyness


This article establishes a correlation between the physiognomic traits as binding to evil-ugliness and the religious painting of the Spanish Baroque. In that matter, there have been identified the most representative philosophical and theological postures of the Spanish physiognomy linked to the concept of ugliness. The Physiognomic Art is linked to the religious painting of the Spanish Baroque. There have been identified the different modes of ugliness that are given by linking the figure of Christ and his holy martyrs with evil. This investigation has been structured under the hermeneutic paradigm, of documental type, and descriptive design. It is concluded, the religious painting of the Spanish Baroque is not always evidence of traits purely beautiful, ugliness participates as well. In that process the Physionomic Art is a useful tool at the time of imposing a visualization, often dramatic, of images of universal content such as those who represent the Passion of Christ and his holy martyrs.



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How to Cite
Petrou, A., & Negrón, F. (2021). Physionomic Art: Construct Of Moral Physical Traits Of Ugliness In The Religious Painting Of The Spanish Baroque. SituArte, 13(24), 7-17. Retrieved from