• Deivis Gabriel Herrera González Universidad de Pavia. Cremona. Italia.
Keywords: Venezuelan choral music, latin mass, musical analysis, musical form, musical structure


The purpose of the investigation is to elaborate a description of the compositional elements that affect the notions of form and structure of Venezuelan composer César Alejandro Carrillo’s «Missa sine nomine», proposing some essential minimal analytical guidelines. This study is based on the approaches of Astor (2002), Hodeir (2006), Kühn (2003), Murphy (1967), Núñez Montes (2011), Paynter (1999), Roca and Molina (2006) and Zamacois (2002). The type of investigation is a single case study with a positivist quantitative paradigm, a descriptive and documentary level, of transectional design, not experimental. The object of study was approached individually (each specific section of the mass separately) and jointly (comparatively, within the context of the work in general), establishing analogous and differential relationships in terms of form and structure that contribute to the theoretical study of the author’s compositional aesthetics.


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Author Biography

Deivis Gabriel Herrera González, Universidad de Pavia. Cremona. Italia.

Deivis Gabriel Herrera González

University of Pavia. Cremone. Italy 



Astor, M. (2002). Aproximación Fenomenológica a la Obra Musical de Gonzalo Castellanos Yumar. Caracas: Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación-Universidad Central de Venezuela.
Hodeir, A. (2006). Cómo Conocer las Formas de la Música. Madrid: Editorial EDAF. Kühn, C. (2003). Tratado de la Forma Musical. Huelva: Idea Books.
Murphy, H. (1967). Music Fundamentals. A Guide to Musical Understanding. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company.
Núñez Montes, F. (2011). Forma y Estructura Musicales. Querétaro: Centro de Creación Musical. https://www.cencrem.com/#!/-articulo05/ (visitada el 4 de abril de 2020). Ojeda, R., ed. (2009).
Obra Coral y Arreglos de Música Popular Venezolana de César Alejandro Carrillo. Colección Música Coral de Autores Latinoamericanos, Vol. III. Caracas: Fundación Vicente Emilio Sojo.
Paynter, J. (1999). Sonido y Estructura. Madrid: Ediciones Akal. Roca, D. y Molina, E. (2006). Vademécum Musical. Madrid: Enclave Creativa. Zamacois, J. (2002). Curso de Formas Musicales. Barcelona: Idea Books.
How to Cite
Herrera González, D. G. (2022). ABOUT FORM AND STRUCTURE IN CÉSAR ALEJANDRO CARRILLO’S «MISSA SINE NOMINE». REDIELUZ, 12(2), 131 - 144. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7438652