• Ana María Viteri Rojas University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Karina Johana Cevallos Cárdenas Council of the Judiciary, Guayaquil- Ecuador
  • Katherine Angélica Sánchez Alcántara Comprehensive medical office, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Keywords: Bariatric surgery, diabetes II, obesity, glycemia, glycosylated hemoglobin


Type II diabetes mellitus is associated with obesity, obese patients are considered diabetic if fasting glycemia is greater than 126 mg/dL, they present insulin resistance, which is primarily compensatory hyperinsulinemia. Due to the complications that can occur when diabetes is poorly controlled, such as myocardial infarction, among others, it is important to maintain normal blood glucose levels. The objective was to determine the glycemia levels in patients with post-bariatric surgery. The investigation was cross-sectional, 105 obese patients who had undergone bariatric surgery were used and the Chi-Square test was used. Pre-surgical glucose was analyzed where 46.71% of the patients presented values ​​higher than 126 mg/dl of glycemia, and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1) 60% was higher than 6.5%. One year after surgery, glucose determination higher than 126mg/dl occurred only in 4.80% and glycosylated hemoglobin higher than 6.5%. (p<0.001) in 7.69%. It is concluded that 95.24% of the patients had glucose lower than 126mg/dl after a year of surgery, demonstrating that with bariatric surgery there was remission of type II diabetes.


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Author Biographies

Ana María Viteri Rojas, University of Guayaquil, Ecuador

Ana María Viteri Rojas

University of Guayaquil, Ecuador

Karina Johana Cevallos Cárdenas, Council of the Judiciary, Guayaquil- Ecuador

Karina Johana Cevallos Cárdenas

Council of the Judiciary, Guayaquil- Ecuador

Katherine Angélica Sánchez Alcántara, Comprehensive medical office, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Katherine Angélica Sánchez Alcántara

Comprehensive medical office, Guayaquil, Ecuador


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How to Cite
Viteri Rojas, A. M., Cevallos Cárdenas, K. J., & Sánchez Alcántara, K. A. (2022). GLYCEMIA LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH POST-BARIATRIC POST-SURGERY. REDIELUZ, 12(2), 64 - 68.