Meditations on the plurality-singularity of method and science.

  • Jorge Jesús Villasmil Espinoza Faculty of Law and Political Sciences University of Zulia
Keywords: Method, Science


Meditations on the plurality-singularity of method and scienceIn my humble personal experience, everything indicates that in traditional academia there is much confusion about the scope and meaning of the methodology of scientific research; in this sense, for some professors of methodology, this discipline is reduced to the study of the standards for the production of written works, so that to a large extent their classes deal with the proper use of APA norms or the so-called LUZ norms, among others.
In this sense, for some professors of methodology, this discipline is reduced to the study of the rules for the production of written works, so that their classes are largely about the proper use of APA norms or the so-called LUZ norms, among others. For others, more knowledgeable, methodology is the theoretical study of the methods, techniques and instruments useful in the production and reproduction of scientific and humanistic knowledge, however, even so, little work is done on the epistemological dimension of science .


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Author Biography

Jorge Jesús Villasmil Espinoza, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences University of Zulia

Faculty of Law and Political Sciences University of Zulia

How to Cite
Villasmil Espinoza, J. J. (2022). Meditations on the plurality-singularity of method and science. REDIELUZ, 12(2), 11-12.