Gender violence in nursing students Bolívar State University. Ecuador

Keywords: daily life, educational program and comprehensive care, gender violence, prevention


Gender violence for Unicef is the harmful acts of a person based on the differences that society assigns to men and women. The need to develop an educational program was determined in the methodological research through a schematic and procedural process that reflected human thought and instinct, in order to explain the phenomenon of gender violence at the State University of Bolívar, where de Of the 140 students surveyed, 51.1% considered an educational program necessary and only 33.1% have information on Ecuadorian legislation for the protection of gender violence. The seminar was implemented with the aim of “Updating information on prevention and comprehensive care for the population on gender violence and how it can affect their daily lives.” Which was designed and applied between February 4 and 6, 2020, where 14 speakers specialized in law, teaching, nursing, psychology and police from the Guaranda community participated, aimed at students of the University’s nursing career, where They acquired knowledge to understand and resolve conflicts of gender violence in the workplace and in the family.


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Author Biographies

Silvana Ximena López Paredes, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar

Docente de la carrera de enfermería. Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Ecuador

Liliam Coromoto González, Universidad del Zulia

Facultad de Medicina. Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela


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How to Cite
López Paredes, S. X., & González, L. C. (2021). Gender violence in nursing students Bolívar State University. Ecuador. REDIELUZ, 11(2), 145-153.
Ciencias Sociales y Humanas