Educational program for the prevention of oral health in children: rural school, province of Tungurahua, Ecuador

  • Rolando Benites Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes Uniandes Ambato
  • Grimaneza Fonseca Centro Médico Vitalidad Ambato
  • Yrma Santana Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Program, Prevention, Oral Health, Rural Schools


The objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Oral Health Promotion Educational Program for school-age children (with a sample in the Rosa Zarate Educational Unit of the Tungurahua province of Ecuador). A longitudinal and comparative research was carried out, with a quasi-experimental field design. The population consisted of children from 6 to 12 years old, parents of the children and teachers of an educational unit in Ecuador. The sample was census type. The direct method was used. A clinical oral evaluation was carried out in school-age children and the indicators and criteria established by the World Health Organization (2003) will be used. Results of the survey applied to school children were analyzed using the instrument of The students attended the consultation motivated by an ailment, 56% seeking curative care, while only 44% attended for prevention in oral health, a reality that makes it a highly relevant priority to implement the education program for the promotion of oral health in the public network that makes up the primary level of health, they have a care of 47%; while at the private level it reaches 20%.


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Author Biographies

Rolando Benites, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes Uniandes Ambato

Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes Uniandes Ambato, Ecuador

Grimaneza Fonseca, Centro Médico Vitalidad Ambato

Centro Médico Vitalidad Ambato, Ecuador

Yrma Santana, Universidad del Zulia

Facultad de Odontología, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela


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How to Cite
Benites, R., Fonseca, G., & Santana, Y. (2021). Educational program for the prevention of oral health in children: rural school, province of Tungurahua, Ecuador. REDIELUZ, 11(2), 93-99.
Health Sciences