Quality of Nursing Care and Perceived Satisfaction in the Angela Loayza Specialized Obstetric Hospital of Ollague, Santa Rosa, Ecuador
The objective of the study was to analyze the quality of nursing care and the satisfaction perceived by patients admitted to the Ángela Loayza Hospital for Gynecological Obstetrician Specialties in Ollague, El Oro Province, Ecuador. Descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study carried out in 200 volunteer obstetric patients who answered a survey validated by experts on the frequency of execution of nursing activities as an indicator of quality and perceived satisfaction. The mean age of the patients was 31 ± 9.40 years. The option regarding the quality of nursing care in terms of the frequency of their execution. Being the answers in the category of “always” in descending order, monitoring of biomedical equipment connected to the patient 56%, Safety / knowledge of biomedical equipment connected to the patient 55%, and Alternatives for the improvement of their health condition 48, 5%, Monitoring in the treatment applied 48%, Clearing doubts about their treatment 45.5%, Quality of care received 46%, Timely attention 37.5%. The answers on satisfaction with the nursing activity were: 63.5% satisfied and 14.5% very satisfied. This result suggests establishing strategies to increase the level of satisfaction and frequency of execution of Nursing activities.
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