Theatrical candidates for support in the culture-organizational climate relationship of educational organizations

Postulados teóricos de apoyo en la relación cultura –clima organizacional de organizaciones educativas

  • José Galdino Burgos Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Gema Andrea Burgos López Junta Provincial Electoral de Manabí
Keywords: theoretical postulates, organizational culture, organizational climate, Shein and Denison


The study of the relationship between culture and organizational climate allows us to take from each of them the ideal arguments and processes that facilitate the analysis of the situation of an institution. In this regard, it was proposed as an objective to analyze the relationship between culture and the organizational climate from the perspectives of the theoretical postulates proposed by Shein and Denison. To do this, a methodical documentary type was applied –comparative, hermeneutic. The corpus was made up of theoretical aspects related to the relationship between culture and organizational climate. As for the use of hermeneutics, as a tool for interpreting the revised documents, it allowed the discussion and results of the arguments presented, deriving among its conclusions that there is a mixture of affective features and distinctives, which characterize a social group at a given time or space, in which their ways of life, beliefs, inventions, technology, value systems and fundamental rights interact, which can be used within the framework of educational organizations.


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Author Biographies

José Galdino Burgos, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Estudiante del doctorado en Ciencias Humanas.

Gema Andrea Burgos López, Junta Provincial Electoral de Manabí

Junta Provincial Electoral de Manabí -Ecuador


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How to Cite
Burgos, J. G., & Burgos López, G. A. (2021). Theatrical candidates for support in the culture-organizational climate relationship of educational organizations: Postulados teóricos de apoyo en la relación cultura –clima organizacional de organizaciones educativas. REDIELUZ, 11(1), 115-121. Retrieved from
Ciencias Sociales y Humanas