Sexuality in the different gestation trimesters

Sexualidad en los diferentes trimestres de la gestación

  • Gloría Torres Hospital de la Mujer. Alfredo Paulson.
Keywords: gestation, sexual desire, physical changes, sexuality


Pregnancy represents an important stage in the life of a couple, however the changes that occur in women during pregnancy modify sexuality. Therefore, the research aims to identify changes at the level of sexual desire according to the gestation trimesters, it is under a quantitative, descriptive, correlational and prospective methodology, with a sample of 225 women who attend the Alfredo Paulson Hospital, whom A survey was applied to them,
obtaining the following results, the most frequent age group, it is located between 26 to 31 years, representing 33.8% of the sample, sexual desire in the first trimester remained constant, at 42.7 %, the second quarter decreased 30.7% and the third quarter 42.7%. In relation to physical changes, 32.9% reported feeling very bad about them. It can be concluded that sexuality is affected as gestation progresses, so it is necessary to provide the necessary guidance to reduce the negative impact of this physiological stage on the sexuality of women.


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How to Cite
Torres, G. (2021). Sexuality in the different gestation trimesters: Sexualidad en los diferentes trimestres de la gestación. REDIELUZ, 11(1), 43-48. Retrieved from
Health Sciences