The death of the Liberator “Simón Bolívar”: reflection and analysis from the advances of the contemporary science

The death of the Liberator “Simón Bolívar”: reflection and analysis from the advances of the contemporary science

  • Fernando Guzmán Toro Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Liberator, death, Mycobacterium, anatomical, forensic, arsenic


The objective of this essay is a discussion of the report about the causes of the death of the Li-berator Simón Bolívar made by the “Presidential Commission” whose purpose was a forensic ana-tomical study of the mortuary remains and through the analysis of this report some conclusion are con-sidered. The “Presidential Commission” considered as one of the possible causes of his death the use of cantharid powder which would be responsible for kidney failure. Among the conclusions of this essay are that the DNA analysis did not show the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an absence of scientific evidence of possible arsenic poisoning and only the skeleton was available to establish a possible cause of death.


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How to Cite
Guzmán Toro, F. (2021). The death of the Liberator “Simón Bolívar”: reflection and analysis from the advances of the contemporary science: The death of the Liberator “Simón Bolívar”: reflection and analysis from the advances of the contemporary science. REDIELUZ, 10(2), 151-158. Retrieved from