Automated system for the filling of bottles in presentation of 5 liters of mineral water

Automated system for the filling of bottles in presentation of 5 liters of mineral water

  • Andrés Perpiñán Reyes Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín
Keywords: bottles, filling, mineral water, system


The purpose of this research was to design an attached automated filling system for 5-liter bottles for mineral water bottling micro-companies in Valledupar, Colombia. Methodologically, the research was projective, non-experimental, transactional and field-based. The unit of analysis was made up of the water purification system that micro-enterprises have as such. The collection techniques were direct observation, unstructured interviews and literature review. The data was systematically recorded throu-gh technical sheets, datasheet, recorder, notepad, among others. They were interpreted through quali-tative and content analysis. The development of the proposal included the description of the production line, identification of system requirements, determi-nation of automatic design specifications, drawing up plans and estimation of benefits, obtaining a hi-gh-performance filler, with a maximum production of 1,350 bottles / h in 5-liter containers which will benefit more than 600 people or organizations per hour, which impacts on the speed of processes, the economy of the product for sale and the promotion of entrepreneurship in these organizations that pro-duce drinking water, which today today they do not have an effective filling system, thus breaking their final product chain.


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How to Cite
Perpiñán Reyes, A. (2021). Automated system for the filling of bottles in presentation of 5 liters of mineral water: Automated system for the filling of bottles in presentation of 5 liters of mineral water. REDIELUZ, 10(2), 136-147. Retrieved from
Technological Research