Management digestion: a potentiating tool of business entrepreneurship

Management digestion: a potentiating tool of business entrepreneurship

  • Daniel Villalobos Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín
  • Martin Leal Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín
Keywords: Management Digestion, Entrepreneurship, Organization, Human Capital


Management digestion, properly speaking, con-sists in the transformation of this macro-knowle-dge; in a more defined, specific and necessary knowledge for the organization, in order that this new knowledge is the fundamental substrate to generate strategies with an innovative vision. The purpose of this research was to analyze from a di-gestive system analogy; managerial digestion as a tool for promoting entrepreneurship. The type of research is qualitative in the framework of an impor-tant theoretical and conceptual review. The analyti-cal-documentary method was used, allowing to identify relevant aspects of the study events. After the exploration, it was considered that managerial digestion is the set of management strategies of the essential resources “Human - Intellectual Capital” by which transformations take place in each one of its administrative structures to reach the objectives of the organizations. In addition, it is necessary to apply all elements of knowledge digestion since it allows organizations to explore from their opportu-nities and strengths the needs and potentialities re-quired to improve performance. Likewise, this pro-cess allows organizations to know the mechanisms of action that foster innovation and entrepreneur-ship. In conclusion, this perspective of managerial digestion as an empowering element of organiza-tional entrepreneurship, invites us to think about and face the current reality of companies and their constant challenges, from an analogy of the human digestive system able to recognize and detect those who have the potential to undertake and develop them effectively.


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How to Cite
Villalobos, D., & Leal, M. (2021). Management digestion: a potentiating tool of business entrepreneurship: Management digestion: a potentiating tool of business entrepreneurship. REDIELUZ, 10(2), 96-106. Retrieved from
Ciencias Sociales y Humanas