Variation of the phytoplanktonic community in pools of semi-intensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei in lake Maracaibo, Venezuela

Variation of the phytoplanktonic community in pools of semi-intensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei in lake Maracaibo, Venezuela

  • Rosnelsy Martínez Universidad del Zulia
  • Daniel Polanco-Marin Universidad del Zulia
  • Jeny Reyes-Luján Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Abundance, shrimp, cyanobacteria, microalgae


The objective of this work is to analyze the varia-tion of the phytoplankton community in semi-inten-sive cultivation pools of Litopenaeus vannamei in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. The following physico-chemical water variables were determined: Salinity, dissolved oxygen (mg / L), pH, Temperature (ºC), transparency (cm), ammonium (mg / L), nitrate (mg / L), nitrite (mg / L ) and phosphorus (mg / L). For the analysis of the phytoplankton, water samples were collected, the density was determined using a chamber of a hematocytometer with Neubauer lines (Cell / ml) and the taxonomic location was made up to the genus category. Three functional groups were identified: Cyanobacteria, Heterokontophyta and Chlorophyta, distributed in 16 families and 20 genera, with Cyanobacteria and Heterokontophyta (diatoms) being the most numerous by the number of identified genera. The relative abundance was: cyanobacteria (70,79%)> chlorophytes (22,74%)> Heterokontophyta (6,47%). In relation to density, cyanobacteria (570,59 ± 96,56 Cél / ml) were the most dominant, followed by chlorophytes (183,31 ± 30,01 Cell / ml) and heterokontophytes (52,17 ± 7 , 54 Cell / ml). The total density of phytoplankton was positively related to nitrate (r = 0,522, p <0,05) and negatively to water salinity (r = - 0,511, p <0,05). Cyanobacteria (r = 0,541, p <0,05) and chloro-phytes were related to nitrate (r = 0,619, p <0,05), cyanobacteria with salinity (r = -0,557, p <0,05) and heterokontophytes with water transparency (r = -0,411, p <0,05). The maximum density of phyto-plankton was recorded in July and August, during the rainy season, which increased the presence of cyanobacteria. The high phytoplankton density is consistent with what is expected in this type of envi-ronment, where the contribution of nutrients, espe-cially nitrates, favors its growth.


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How to Cite
Martínez, R., Polanco-Marin, D., & Reyes-Luján, J. (2021). Variation of the phytoplanktonic community in pools of semi-intensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei in lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: Variation of the phytoplanktonic community in pools of semi-intensive culture of Litopenaeus vannamei in lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. REDIELUZ, 10(2), 87-95. Retrieved from
Exact and Agrarian Sciences