• María Zapata National Open University
Keywords: Distance Education and Conventional, Resources and Instructional Design, Research in Distance Education


If we assume that education is a human right, the State has an obligation to ensure equal access to education at all levels. In this regard, governments should offer alternatives for the population to have access to it. This alternative may be the elicitation Distance, offering low cost, massification and democratization, quality education and excellence. The purpose of this test is to make a thoughtful contribution that nurtures the realm of ideas, as to the salient differences between distance learning and conventional; the role of advisers and students; advisory skills and conditions; distance learner characteristics; and the scientific contribution of research in distance education, distance education showing that meets and has educational skills to form human resources avant-garde with the demands of today's society.


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Author Biography

María Zapata, National Open University

Master Scientiarum in Administration, mention in General Management and Bachelor of Business Administration. Assistant Professor at the National Open University and Advisor in the Administration and Accounting Area of the Cojedes Local Center.


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How to Cite
Zapata, M. (2024). LONG DISTANCE EDUCATION:: STUDY ALTERNATIVE IN THE ERA CONTEMPORANEA. Revista Arbitrada Formación Gerencial, 19(1), 44-58. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/rafg/article/view/41594