One of the greatest challenges for today's governments is to ensure that, despite population growth and rapid urbanization, cities are sustainable over time, and that their inhabitants have the necessary services without compromising the resources of future generations, for which they must innovate by incorporating new technologies in urban management. Based on this idea, the goal of this article is to analyze the advantages of the System for the Management of Urban Zoning (SIGZUM in Spanish), for the effective management of the urban-architectural space in Maracaibo. The hermeneutic-dialectic methodology was applied, based on documentary observation, analytical summary and critical analysis of scientific articles, decrees and ordinances. It was determined that the implementation of the Urban Zoning Management System (SIGZUM) provides a solid basis for urban planning and management in Maracaibo, since it facilitates the management of graphic and qualitative information, allowing its use for infrastructure development, resource management, emergency response and solution or prevention of problems associated with the growth of a city governed by zoning regulations, with parametric urban variables that condition the design solutions of the different regulated land uses. All of which allows urban planners, architects, officials and citizens to visualize scenarios that provide innovative and effective responses to the changes generated by the development and growth of the city.
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