• Ismar Alexandra Millano Solarte
  • Luisenia Fabiola Fernández Ochoa
Keywords: Visual identity, graphic design, regional history


The interest of citizens in designing the identity of
the Marabinian region was evident in the historical
situation of the 17th century colonial period. In this sense, this research was oriented to the study of the historical process of the Marabinian society in the 17th century and its contextualization in order to understand the reality that involves the city and leads it to generate a graphic symbol that identifies it at an early age; all this from the interpretive method of hermeneutics and historical studies. The main contribution of the research was to analyze graphic design from the understanding of the design product and the historical process that involves it, in which by studying each element they come to be understood as a whole that contains the essence of society as well as of the historical time in which it develops. That is why visual identity signs have been re-signified in various historical situations of the region influenced by social, economic and political sectors of Marabinian society which through design, history and other means allow its durability over time. So, visual identity signs are the reflection of the bases that sustain the identity and the graphic image the region had at the time, and that gives rise to the image and identity the region still maintain today.


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Author Biographies

Ismar Alexandra Millano Solarte

Doctora en Arquitectura. M.Sc. en Planificación Integral para el Desarrollo del Turismo. Docente e investigadora adscrita al Departamento de Historia de la Ciudad la Arquitectura y el Diseño en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad del Zulia, en las líneas de investigación historia de la ciudad, la arquitectura y el diseño, y turismo.

Luisenia Fabiola Fernández Ochoa

M.Sc. en Cs. De la Comunicación,mención nuevas TIC’s. Espacialista en Docencia para la Educación Superior,Lca. En Diseño Gráfico.Docente e investigadora adscrita al Departamento de Historia de la Ciudad la Arquitectura y el Diseño en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad del Zulia, en las líneas de investigación historia de la ciudad, la arquitectura y el diseño, identidad regional.


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How to Cite
Millano Solarte, I. A., & Fernández Ochoa, L. F. (2021). DISEÑO GRAFICO COMO GESTOR DE LA IDENTIDAD MARABINA. Perspectiva, 1(17), 6-16. Retrieved from https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/perspectiva/article/view/36413