• Ramón Arrieta Piñeiro Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
  • Thais Ferrer de Molero Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela


Contemporaneity considered as the decreasing period and almost irreversible of interrelationship among all and every one of the regions of the planet through globalization processes and multiculturalism constitutes the general framework to focus on the importance of looking at the planet, respect the environment as well as preserve it to future life. Architecture as a scenery and sustainable development as imperative to be considered in order to respond professionally toward new paradigms regarding to habitat and its physical and social surroundings constitute the main purpose of the research. Based on the qualitative method supported by hermeneutics, a documentary, monographic type of methodology was applied for the analysis, critics and interpretation of data and existing information of the topic. Theoretical aspects were analyzed and were contrasted with the position of authors in terms of establishing criteria for a new paradigmatic approach of Architecture. It is concluded that sustainability of global and national context are topics to include when teaching Architectural Design subject as a methodological strategy conceived with a creative, innovative and responsible mentality of the architectural professional in order to preserve the environment.


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Author Biographies

Ramón Arrieta Piñeiro, Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
Profesor Titular FAD-LUZ. Arquitecto. Especialista en gestión de la vivienda Doctor en Arquitectura Decano de la FAD LUZ  2002-2005 y 2005-2008
Thais Ferrer de Molero, Universidad del Zulia-Venezuela
Profesora Titular FAD-LUZ. Arquitecto Investigadora PPI, Posdoctora en Gerencia de las Organizaciones, Doctora en Ciencias Gerenciales, Magister Scientiarium en Gerencia Empresarial
How to Cite
Arrieta Piñeiro, R., & Ferrer de Molero, T. (2012). CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Perspectiva, 1(1). Retrieved from