The possibility of using (Model M-Score Beneish) to predict the earnings management by the lagging banks and placing them under trusteeship in the Iraqi environment.

  • Nada Salman Al-azzawi
  • Ahmed Taher kadhim Al-anbagi
  • Suaad Adnan Noaman Al-Shammari
Palabras clave: banks, Earnings management, Beneish M-Score


This study aims to determine the extent to which Model M-Score Beneish can used to forecast troubled banks before default and place them under trusteeship. The research data indicated that all the banks that were placed under the tutelage of the Central Bank of Iraq were practicing the earnings management policy. Concluded this study that the banks that manipulate their profits are the banks it is more likely to be managed by a bad administration and may suffer in the near future from a delay in paying its financial obligations.

Biografía del autor/a

Nada Salman Al-azzawi
University of Baghdad College of Agricultural Engineering sciences Agricultural Economics department
Ahmed Taher kadhim Al-anbagi
Dijlah University College, Department of Finance and Banking Science
Suaad Adnan Noaman Al-Shammari
University of Baghdad, College of administration and economics Accounting department


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Cómo citar
Salman Al-azzawi, N., kadhim Al-anbagi, A. T., & Noaman Al-Shammari, S. A. (2019). The possibility of using (Model M-Score Beneish) to predict the earnings management by the lagging banks and placing them under trusteeship in the Iraqi environment. Opción, 35, 1478-1491. Recuperado a partir de

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