The Risk of Bullying as a Result of COVID-19 among University Students

  • Maissa Nasser Alrawashda Assistant Professor-Department of sociology The University of Jordan
Palabras clave: Bullying, COVID-19, Bullying Victims, University Students, Jordan.


This Article is aimed to reveal the types and levels of bullying to
which undergraduate Asian students are exposed to because of the
COVID-19 pandemic. By applying the Multidimensional Bullying
Victimization Scale to (202) students of Asian nationalities
(Indonesian, Uzbek, Thai, Filipino, Chinese) who are pursuing their
university education in Governmental universities. The results found
that Asian male and female students have encountered four types of
bullying: Relational Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Physical Bullying and
Race and Culture-based Bullying. Cyber bullying was the most
common type of bullying among students. The results also revealed
that the Chinese students are the students who faced most bullying,
followed by the Indonesian students, respectively, while the Filipino
students are the students experience the least bullying as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic.

Cómo citar
Alrawashda, M. N. (1). The Risk of Bullying as a Result of COVID-19 among University Students. Opción, 36(91), 1597-1625. Recuperado a partir de