Contractual Liability In Natural Resource Contracts

  • Ali Kadhim Jawad
  • Muthana Mohammed Abid
Palabras clave: Liability, Natural Resources, Contract Law.


The purpose of this paper is to clarify the legal basis for the contractual liability in accordance with the general principles via qualitative comparative research method. As a result, through the research we will have three opinions in jurisprudence, the first opinion is more acceptable and balanced that preserves the sovereignty of the state over its natural resources and at the same time respect the conventions and contractual conditions. In conclusion, one of the most important effects of the breach of contracts is the responsibility of the nodal direction of the party.

Biografía del autor/a

Ali Kadhim Jawad
Department of Legal Administration, Technical Institute for Administration, Middle Technical University, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq
Muthana Mohammed Abid
Department of Legal Administration, Technical Institute for Administration, Middle Technical University, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq


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Cómo citar
Kadhim Jawad, A., & Mohammed Abid, M. (2019). Contractual Liability In Natural Resource Contracts. Opción, 35, 1452-1471. Recuperado a partir de