Violation of the right to electronic privacy in public international law

  • Salwa Ahmed Medan Kirkuk University – College of Law and Political Science
Palabras clave: Electronic Privacy, legal national rules, Public International Law.


Because of the abundance of the violation of privacy and the absence of the individuals awareness regarding its risks and the weakness of the national and international observation on the electronic environment in general and the platforms of communication specifically, we are obliged to seek about these violations in terms of their images, risk, the activation of the legal national rules and the technical techniques in deterring or reducing them. At the end of our research, we reached too many conclusions and proposals that we hope they will be taken to eliminate this phenomenon.
Cómo citar
Ahmed Medan, S. (2020). Violation of the right to electronic privacy in public international law. Opción, 36, 663-683. Recuperado a partir de