The effect of ancient totemic beliefs on the Kazakh traditional singing

  • Sabirova A. S. Musicology and art management faculty, Kurmangazу Kazakh national Conservatory, The Republic of Kazahstan, 050000, Almatу, 86 Ablaikhan ave.
  • Mukanova A. B., Issametova K. I. Art and culture faculty of Kazakh national women's teacher training university, The Republic of Kazahstan, Almaty, 99A Aiteke Bi Str
  • Sultanova M. E. M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan state university, Lecturer, Uralsk city, Republic of Kazakhstan, 090000, 162 Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue
  • Yergalieva A. T. M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan state university, Republic of Kazakhstan, 090000, Uralsk, 162 Nursultan Nazarbayev ave. Corresponding
Palabras clave: Kazakh culture, Traditions, Song art, Totemic, Sacral meaning.


The Kazakh musical culture has undoubtedly a rich history that stretches back to ancient time. The philosophy of the Kazakh people is laced with mythological beliefs, with belief in higher forces, magic. Music has always had a sacral meaning for the Kazakhs; all the major life stages were accompanied with the corresponding folk songs. Totemic beliefs occupy a special place in the philosophy of the Kazakh music. This article seeks to establish the relationship between totemic in the Kazakh culture and traditional singing. The evolution of totemic symbols and their role in the life of Kazakh people were observed.
Cómo citar
A. S., S., Issametova K. I., M. A. B., M. E., S., & A. T., Y. (2020). The effect of ancient totemic beliefs on the Kazakh traditional singing. Opción, 36, 150-168. Recuperado a partir de