Jamaat Tablighi and negotiation of identity in the global world

  • Sukron Ma'mun Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga Salatiga, 50716 Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Muhamad Chairul Huda Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 50275 Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Ilyya Muhsin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga Salatiga, 50716 Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
  • Arfriani Maifizar Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh, 23681 Aceh Barat, Indonesia
  • Zikri Muhammad School of Social and Economic Development, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
Palabras clave: Jamaat tablighi, Global world, Islamic.


The study aims to investigate Jamaat Tablighi and Negotiation of Identity in the global world. The literature study here is an analysis of the study focus above based on related literature data from various sources on Jamaat Tablighi. As a result, some events of Jamaat Tablighi bring together Tablighis around the world to become a field that unites the idea and concept of Tablighis comprehensively. In conclusion, Jamaat Tablighi identifies themselves as a Sufism-Islamic-traditional revivalist movement. By the identity, Jamaat Tablighi comes through barriers of global communities and it becomes the most successful of Islamic transnational movement.
Cómo citar
Ma’mun, S., Chairul Huda, M., Muhsin, I., Maifizar, A., & Muhammad, Z. (2020). Jamaat Tablighi and negotiation of identity in the global world. Opción, 36, 783-803. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/31745