English Language Book Reading Based on Contextu- al Teaching and Learning (CTL) for Elementary School Students

  • Herlina Usman
  • Ika Lestari
  • Anisah Anisah
  • Dini Nuf Fadhillah
  • Vina Iasha
Palabras clave: book reading, English language, contextual teaching and learning, elementary school


This study aims to describe the use of English language book reading based on contextual teaching and learning for elementary school students. This re- search used a qualitative approach. This study collaboration with 25 students in 5th grade and 2 English teachers through interviewed for 40-45 minutes at 24 Muhammadiyah elementary school, Rawamangun, Jakarta, Indonesia. Data collection was also carried out by documentation of basic reading com- petency standards for 5th grade elementary school. The results of this study indicate that the existence of English language book reading based on contex- tual teaching and learning increases students ‘interest in reading, motivates students to learn and read English, and increases students’ interest in learn- ing English. In addition, English language reading books make it easier for teachers to support students’ reading competencies and introduce students to English language especially vocabulary material.

Biografía del autor/a

Herlina Usman
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Ika Lestari
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Anisah Anisah
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Dini Nuf Fadhillah
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia;
Vina Iasha
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia


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Cómo citar
Usman, H., Lestari, I., Anisah, A., Nuf Fadhillah, D., & Iasha, V. (2019). English Language Book Reading Based on Contextu- al Teaching and Learning (CTL) for Elementary School Students. Opción, 35, 957-993. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/31692