American Orientalism: A Historical Background

  • Abdul Sattar Awad Ibrahim


This research paper is intended to present a historical background about American orientalism. It concentrates on those aspects which have obliged the Occident to explore the Orient, shedding light on political, social, econom- ic,and cultural factors to be examined in this regard. It also sheds light on the American tendency to monopolize studies on orientalism in an attempt to be independent of European studies in this respect. Besides, the research paper unfolds the American interest in the Orient in general and in the Arabic and Islamic world in particular and the reasons that have made America examine them thoroughly on many and various levels. Furthermore, there will be a clear account about those bright and glorious aspects of which the Arab and Islamic world has been proud of and by which the Occident has been fascinat- ed and influenced. This research paper quotes those signs of the Holy Quran which show the Occident’s hatred and envy towards the Arab Muslims and which show how its civilization will one day collapse and be transferred to other nations and countries.

Biografía del autor/a

Abdul Sattar Awad Ibrahim
Prof. Dr. Department of English Al-Turath University College


Faisal Abdulwahab, American Orientalism. www.ahewwar.


Marwan Obeidat, American Literature and Orientalism

(1999) www. American_ Literature... 3. Ibid.

Ibid. 5. Ibid. 6. Ibid.

Faisal Abdulwahab, American Orientalism. www.ahewwar. org/debat/


Munthir Maaliqi, Orientalism in the Scales, 1st ed. (Beirot:

The Islamic Office, 1997), p. 5. 10. Ibid.

Ibid. p. 7.

Ibid. p. 8-9.

This is a literary translation of the meaning of Chapter 3(Al- Imran), verse 99 quoted in The Holy Quran. https://tryhome.

Ibid. Chapter 3, verse 118.

As quoted in The Holy Quran, Chapter Al-Baqara (2), Verse

no. 120. University of the same reference it is important to quote the following words of Allah concerning the envy of those People of The Book to- wards the Arab Muslims: “Quite a number of the People of the Book wish they could turn you (people) back to infidelity after ye have be- lieved, from selfish envy, after the truth hath become manifest unto them: But forgive and overlook, till Allah accomplish His purpose; for Allah hath power over all things.” As quoted in The Holy Quran, chapter Al-Baqara (2), verse 109.

The Holy Quran, Chapter 3, verse 140. As quoted in http://

The Holy Quran, Chapter 7(Al-Araf), Verse, 34. As quoted in www. 34. Html.verse no. 34.

Edgar Allen Poe, Review of Stephens’ Arabia Petraea.

Cómo citar
Awad Ibrahim, A. S. (2019). American Orientalism: A Historical Background. Opción, 35, 555-570. Recuperado a partir de