Systemic Thinking And Its Relation To The Episodic Buffer Of University Students

  • Afak Basim Ali Ehsan
Palabras clave: Systemic Thinking, Episodic buffer


The current research aims to identify: 1- Knowing the level of Systemic think- ing among university students. 2- Knowing the level of transverse buffer for university students. 3- Knowing the relationship between coordinating think- ing and the occasional condom of university students. 4- Knowing the dif- ferences in the relationship between Systemic thinking and the occasional condom of university students according to the gender variable. 5- Knowing the differences in the relationship between coordinating thinking and the oc- casional dielectric of university students according to the variable of special- ization.

Biografía del autor/a

Afak Basim Ali Ehsan
College of Education / Iraqi University


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Cómo citar
Ali Ehsan, A. B. (2019). Systemic Thinking And Its Relation To The Episodic Buffer Of University Students. Opción, 35(89), 551-578. Recuperado a partir de