Wartime Deterioration of Young Man’s Life in Yasmina Khadra’s Sirens of Baghdad

  • Faysal Ali Khalaf
  • Dhiya Ali Ahmad
Palabras clave: Violence, Baghdad, disasters, terrorism


This paper investigates the multiple reasons which deteriorate the hero’s life during the war that undermines reason and destroys the most vulnerable side of human beings, which is feeling. Violence in all its forms turns the protag- onist into a different man whose heart is filled with a volcano of hatred and despair. Yasmina Khadra’s Sirens of Baghdad( 2008 ), examines the many disasters that resulted from the Euro-American occupation of Iraq post and their effect in turning a young man’s life into destruction. Yasmina Khadra criticizes the western view of the third world as a land steeped in fundamen- talism, extremism and violence, especially Islamic region.

Biografía del autor/a

Faysal Ali Khalaf
Directorate of the Ministry of Education in Erbil
Dhiya Ali Ahmad
Directorate of the Ministry of Education in Erbil


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Cómo citar
Ali Khalaf, F., & Ali Ahmad, D. (2019). Wartime Deterioration of Young Man’s Life in Yasmina Khadra’s Sirens of Baghdad. Opción, 35, 1102-1116. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/31282