Study And Analysis Of Parental Neglect And Its Role In Increasing The Hostile Behavior Of The Child Towards Family Members And Society

  • Safaa Hussein Hameed
  • Nagham Hadi Hussein
Palabras clave: aggressive behavior, verbal abuse, neglect


This study aims to find out the relationship between the child’s aggressive be- havior and verbal abuse on the part of the mother and neglect as it aims to find out the differences between boys and girls at the level of aggressive behavior . The research sample consisted of (65) school children aged (11-13) years. The study tools are: the Aggressive Behavior Scale and the Parental Abuse Scale. The results obtained are: - The presence of statistically significant correlation between verbal abuse and aggressive behavior and between neglect and ag- gressive behavior among school children. - The presence of statistically signifi- cant differences in aggressive behavior among school children in favor of boys.

Biografía del autor/a

Safaa Hussein Hameed
Department of Psychological Guidance and Educational Guidance / college of Education for women/ University of al-Qadisiyah
Nagham Hadi Hussein
College of arts / University of al-Qadisiyah


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Cómo citar
Hussein Hameed, S., & Hadi Hussein, N. (2019). Study And Analysis Of Parental Neglect And Its Role In Increasing The Hostile Behavior Of The Child Towards Family Members And Society. Opción, 35, 28. Recuperado a partir de