The symbolism of colour in the interpretation of a drawing in Gestalt

  • Lubov V. Karotovskaya, Shatalova, Lubo I, Sergey I. Maslakov, Tatiana A. Syrovatskaya Stary Oskol Branch, Belgorod State University, 18, Solmechny, 309502 Stary Oskol, Rusia
  • Anna N. Doborovich, Karina E. Panasenko Belgorod State University Russia, 308015, Belgorod, Pobeda St., 85
Palabras clave: Colour, Symbolism, Semantics, Projective, Drawing.


The article investigates the peculiarities of colour symbolism and semantics that might be applied in the interpretation of a projective drawing in Gestalt. As a result, a child’s drawing is a kind of figurative art; this is something that has to evoke not just the viewer’s thoughts and feelings about the depicted figurative material. In conclusion, we can supplement a diagnostic component part with a new approach of psychodiagnosis problem-solving of individual and typological features of personality peculiarities in the modern pedagogical educational process.
Cómo citar
Tatiana A. Syrovatskaya, L. V. K. S. L. I. S. I. M., & Karina E. Panasenko, A. N. D. (2019). The symbolism of colour in the interpretation of a drawing in Gestalt. Opción, 35, 63-74. Recuperado a partir de