History of development and current state of comparative pedagogy

  • Gulnar Chinibayeva Silkway International University, 27A K. Tokaev str., Shimkent, 190011, Kazakhstan
  • Aiman Berikkhanova Head of Pedagogy department, Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 13, Dostyk аve., Almaty, 050010, the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Zhanalik Baltabayeva, Aiman Koblanova, Zhanar Seisenbayeva Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 13, Dostyk аve., Almaty, 050010, the Republic of Kazakhstan
Palabras clave: Pedagogy, Education, Pedagogical, Structural, Reformations.


The article aims to investigate the history of development and the current state of comparative pedagogy via the comparative-historical method. As a result, the features of the evolution of comparative pedagogy on the basis of retrospective analysis were determined; essential characteristics were established. In conclusion, particular importance is attached to overcoming terminological discrepancies. For example, different languages have different meanings of such concepts as „education‟, „secondary education‟, „higher education‟, etc.
Cómo citar
Chinibayeva, G., Berikkhanova, A., & Zhanar Seisenbayeva, Z. B. A. K. (2019). History of development and current state of comparative pedagogy. Opción, 35(90-2), 203-217. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/30567