Contextual coherence of the comparisons in D.S. Merezhkovsky’s novel

  • Alexey Vasilevich Vaganov, Victoria Sergeevna Anokhina, Andrei Georgievich Narushevich, Elena Valentinovna Tarasenko The Department of Russian Language and Literature, A.P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) of Rostov State Economical University, Taganrog, Russia
Palabras clave: Antithesis, Comparative, Construction, Metaphor, Epithet


The authors analyze the contextual comparison coherence in Merezhkovsky‟s novel „Antichrist, Peter and Alexis‟ via the semantic-stylistic method and the contextual analysis method. As a result, com-parisons in Merezhkovsky‟s novel serve to highlight the most signifi-cant issues and motifs, to expand artistic time and space, and to trans-mit the worldview of the characters and the narrator. In conclusion, textual interactions of comparisons are implemented at different levels of text division: at the level of sentences, paragraph, chapter, book and the novels in general. They also create semantic coherence of the novel with other parts of the trilogy.
Cómo citar
Georgievich Narushevich, Elena Valentinovna Tarasenko, A. V. V. V. S. A. A. (2019). Contextual coherence of the comparisons in D.S. Merezhkovsky’s novel. Opción, 35, 1333-1343. Recuperado a partir de