Efficient Collection Methodology of Projects Balance Strategy Using Software tools in Decision making

  • Ali Hussein Abd Ali
  • Mohammed Imad Raoof
Palabras clave: Projects Balance Strategy, Software tools, Decision making


The improved decision making approach to project selection development by using optimized software tools is present in this paper. The literature exposed a space formed along with lack of establish approach and normati- ve model to develop the selection has reviewed. To connect this space, the topical information and offers techniques for decision making by choice of more suitable project selection is achieved by this works. These techniques could be implemented by using software tools in project selection with some constraints considerations and conformity with commercial policy. The formulation of collection optimization and configuration which reproduce all keys parameters in the used strategy could be founded to success the under hand project. Furthermore, the SMEs environments techniques have been used to implement the suggested method with one case study confir- mation feasibility of this advance. The results show that the effectiveness of selection techniques and methodology for project collection has optimized which increase the corporation presentation and saver price. Thus, the utilize of software with right admission to information collection and processing permits administrator to make enhanced decisions for efficient resource.

Biografía del autor/a

Ali Hussein Abd Ali
Assistant Teacher, University of Technology, Iraq, Baghdad
Mohammed Imad Raoof
Assistant Teacher, University of Technology, Iraq, Baghdad


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Cómo citar
Abd Ali, A. H., & Imad Raoof, M. (2019). Efficient Collection Methodology of Projects Balance Strategy Using Software tools in Decision making. Opción, 35(89), 142-157. Recuperado a partir de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/29660