Main tendencies in the category of number in Japanese and Swahili

  • Vitaly Glebovich Subichm, Nailya Gabdelkhamitovna Mingazova Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
  • Raheem Ali Al-foadi University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
Palabras clave: Linguistics, Quantity, Category, Morphology, Semantics.


This article deals with comparing the main tendencies of the number category in two non-related languages: Swahili (Bantu language family) and Japanese via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, Japanese and Swahili possess similar and different markers of abstraction and unification, retaining some peculiarities of primitive mentality. In conclusion, languages of isolated communities, such as Japanese and Swahili, demonstrate tendencies to unify/abstract certain grammatical categories (such as the number category), however, retain some peculiarities of the primitive mentality and ancient thinking.
Cómo citar
Nailya Gabdelkhamitovna Mingazova, V. G. S., & Ali Al-foadi, R. (2019). Main tendencies in the category of number in Japanese and Swahili. Opción, 35, 699-714. Recuperado a partir de