Phraseological units of the Idafa type in the Quran

  • Vitaly Glebovich Subich, Nailya Gabdelkhamitovna Mingazova Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
  • Raheem Ali Al-foadi University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Rafis Rafaelevich Zakirov Russian Islamic University, Kazan, Russia
Palabras clave: Quran, IDAFA, Connotational, Construction, Phraseological.


The study aims to investigate phraseological units of the Idafa type in the Quran and their realization in non- Idafa Germanic and Slavic languages (English and Russian) via comparative qualitative research methods. As a result, the formal Idafa phraseologisms are mostly translated with the English A+Pr+gerund, A+infinitive predicative, Pr+complement, the Russian A+Pr+N predicative groups. In conclusion, connotational Idafa always consists of two nominal components whose first element is expressed by the noun whereas the first component of the formal Idafa is represented either by the noun or adjective.
Cómo citar
Nailya Gabdelkhamitovna Mingazova, V. G. S., Al-foadi, R. A., & Rafaelevich Zakirov, R. (2019). Phraseological units of the Idafa type in the Quran. Opción, 35, 682-698. Recuperado a partir de