Attributive portrait of human’s internal qualities in Russian and Chinese linguistic culture

  • Yulia, Svetlana V. Funikova, Lyudmila F. Svoykina, Irina M. Subbotina Belgorod State University 85 Pobeda St. Belgorod 308015 Russia
Palabras clave: attributive, linguacultural, human, semantics, linguistic.


The article is devoted to the problem of studying the attributive portrait of human’s internal qualities in Russian and Chinese linguistic culture via analysis of language material; comparison; methods of classification, generalization, and differentiation. As a result, when a person is calm, fluid, flexible in his actions, it indicates his sensitivity and therefore impartiality. In conclusion, in Russian linguacultural there are more units with a positive assessment of the individual. According to the attributive model of the Chinese language, the character of a person is more pronounced with positive adjectives.
Cómo citar
Irina M. Subbotina, Y. A. S. V. F. L. F. S. (2019). Attributive portrait of human’s internal qualities in Russian and Chinese linguistic culture. Opción, 35, 118-131. Recuperado a partir de