Socio-economic growth, or overcoming cost contradictions impeding the development of Russia

  • V. N. Shcherbakov
  • Е. M. Kryukova
  • E. E. Nakhratova
  • I. Y. Ilina
  • E. V. Potekhina
  • A. I. Zotova
Palabras clave: economic growth, development, effectiveness, business activity, cost


The article explores the topic of harmonious development taking into account the factors affecting the moral and psychological aspects of a perso- nality including its endogenous level. In this connection overcoming cost contradictions by means of changing value orientations is considered from the perspective of internal characteristics of motivational interests of a person as their ultimate goal. A new outlook on overcoming contradictions pertaining to the modern economic model suggests an idea of considering not only structurally connected technological relationships but also socio- economic relations reflecting the aspects of the psychology behind moral feelings and changes in value orientations in the society. Therefore, the design of control mechanisms in the economic system will be closely connected with the logic of the formation of conceptual foundations for social development.

Biografía del autor/a

V. N. Shcherbakov
Moscow Polytechnic University, 22 P. Korchagina St., Moscow, 129626, Russia
Е. M. Kryukova
Russian State Social University, 4/1 V. Pika St., Moscow, 129226, Russia
E. E. Nakhratova
Russian State Social University, 4/1 V. Pika St., Moscow, 129226, Russia
I. Y. Ilina
Russian State Social University, 4/1 V. Pika St., Moscow, 129226, Russia
E. V. Potekhina
Russian State Social University, 4/1 V. Pika St., Moscow, 129226, Russia
A. I. Zotova
Russian State Social University, 4/1 V. Pika St., Moscow, 129226, Russia


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Cómo citar
Shcherbakov, V. N., KryukovaЕ. M., Nakhratova, E. E., Ilina, I. Y., Potekhina, E. V., & Zotova, A. I. (2019). Socio-economic growth, or overcoming cost contradictions impeding the development of Russia. Opción, 35, 563-577. Recuperado a partir de