Topical Issues of Religious Educational Work of Orthodox Spiritual Mission in Altai In Early 1900s

  • Yury Aleksandrovich Kreydun
  • Larisa Ivanovna Nekhvyadovich
Palabras clave: Russian Orthodox Church, Altai Spiritual Mission, Burkhanism, mis- sionary schools, religious educational work, charity


The paper refers to archive sources to reconstruct the record of the Altai Spiritual Mission and explores the social and political factors that hindered the organiza- tion’s missionary causes in Altai in the early 1900ies. Ideals and beliefs at the core of Burkanism and the aspects of their establishment across Gorny Altai are out- lined. Problems of material procurement of the Altai Mission are addressed based on the analysis of income structure. A breakdown of the 1910-1911 spending cal- culation points at a considerable positive budget trend of the Altai Mission. The paper identifies the role of the Orthodox Missionary Society and philanthropists in providing funding for the mission and draws a conclusion that in absence of direct state support for religious education of the native peoples of Siberia the possibility emerged for the formation of non-state religious educational structures.

Biografía del autor/a

Yury Aleksandrovich Kreydun
Altai State University, Lenina Av, 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia
Larisa Ivanovna Nekhvyadovich
Altai State University, Lenina Av, 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia


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Cómo citar
Aleksandrovich Kreydun, Y., & Ivanovna Nekhvyadovich, L. (2019). Topical Issues of Religious Educational Work of Orthodox Spiritual Mission in Altai In Early 1900s. Opción, 35, 167-177. Recuperado a partir de

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