Scientific Promotions - University of Baghdad model

  • Maysoon Ali Abd Al-Hadi
Palabras clave: Scientific promotion / Scientific title / assistant teacher/ teacher/ assistant professor/ professor/University of Baghdad


Academic advancement means the transfer of the academic staff member who hold’the academic title (assistant teacher, teacher, assistant professor, professor), whether he is teaching university, scientific research or scientific or technical consultation, who works in the office of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research or its institutions, To a higher scientific rank with a new scientific title after fulfilling the requirements and require- ments of this title in accordance with the law and these conditions set by the instructions of scientific promotion No. 167 of 2017, which are different conditions of the provisions contained in the provisions of the promotion of Scientific No. 36 of 1992 repealed, private Higher Education No. 25 of 2016 which upgrade fee mechanism for the campaign of scientific titles in universities, community colleges and institutes canceled so private universi- ties and colleges Law No. 13 of 1996.

Biografía del autor/a

Maysoon Ali Abd Al-Hadi
University of Baghdad – Women Studies Center


-Sanan Al-Arab, Ibn Manzar, Muhammad Bin Makram Bin Masoor Afri- Masri, Publisher: Dar Sader - Beirut, First Edition, Vol. 15, Part I, p.

- Looks at the surrounding dictionary of the Verozabadi, the site of Al-Warraq.

- Dr. Esmat Abdel Majid Bakr, State Council, Dar al-Kuttab al-Ulmiyya, Beirut, Lebanon, first edition 2011, p.

- Dr. Ghazi Faisal Mahdi, Legal System for the Promotion of Public Service in Iraq, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Baghdad, 1992, p. 221.

- Dr. Ali Mohamed Bedair and Dr. Mahdi Yasin Al-Salami and Dr. Abdul Wahhab Al-Barzanji, Principles and Provisions of Administrative Law, Al-Atek Book Industry, National Library, Baghdad, 2011, p. 338.

-Article (18) of the Civil Service Law No. 24 of 1960 Amended, Judge Nabil Abdulrahman Hayawi, Legal Library, Baghdad, 2011, p. 25.

-(See: Dr. Anwar Ahmed Raslan, The Civil Servants System in the State and the Public Sector, Cairo, unpublished, 1983, pp. 191-192.

-Abd al-Qadir al-Qaisi, Judicial Immunity and the Principle of Judicial Inde- pendence in Iraqi Islamic and Legal Legislation, Al-Atek Book Manufactu- ring, Legal Library, Baghdad, 2013, p.

- Articles (45 and 46) of the Iraqi Judicial Organization Law No Article (23) of the provisions of the Law of the State Consultative Council No. 65 of 1979 as amended by Law No. 71 of 2017 published in the Iraqi Chronicle No. 4456 on 7/8/2018.

-Article (27) of Law No (22) of 2011, the Ministry of Education Law publis- hed in the facts on

- Dr. Mohamed Refaat Abdel Wahab, Administrative Judiciary, Halabi Human Rights Publications, First Book, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition, 2005, p. 196.

- Dr. Mohamed Refat Abdel Wahab, previous source, p. 197.

- Dr. Hamed Al-Sharif, Group of Judicial Principles decided by the Supreme Administrative Court since its establishment until now, World Library, Alexan- dria, Part IV, Disciplinary District, 2009, p.

Dr. Ali Mohamed Bedair et al., Ibid., P. 348.

-Article (64) of Law No. 49 of 1972 Law on Organizing Universities is published on the website: www.shaimaaatalla / vb / shothred.php? t = 20788 17-Article (66) of Law No. 49 of 1972.

-The National Higher Education Law No. (25) of 2016, published in the Iraqi Gazette No. 4416 on 19 September 2016, the fifty-eighth year.

- Instructions for the Advancement of Science in Universities and Technical Education Commission No. 36 of 1992 Articles (1/2/3).

- Article (66) of the Egyptian Universities Organization Law, previous source.

-Article (1) of the Scientific Promotion Instructions No. 167 of 2017 publis- hed in the Iraqi Gazette No. 4471 on 27/11/2017.

-It is noted that under the revoked promotion instructions, it stipulated the availability of scientific output and obtaining a minimum of 70% in the perfor- mance evaluation form for teaching staff, as well as publishing at least two valuable

- Dr. Anwar Ahmed Raslan, The Civil Servants System in the State and the Public Sector, Cairo, unpublished, 1983.

- Dr. Hamed Al-Sharif, the set of judicial principles decided by the Supreme Administrative Court since its establishment until now, World Library, Alexan- dria, Part IV, Disciplinary District, 2009.

- Dr. Esmat Abdel Majid Bakr, State Council, Dar al-Kuttab al-Sulti, Beirut, Lebanon, first edition 2011.

- Dr. Ali Mohamed Bedair and Dr. Mahdi Yasin Al-Salami and Dr. Abdulwa- hab Al-Barzanji, Principles and Provisions of Administrative Law, Al-Aatek Book Manufacturing, National Library, Baghdad, 2011.

Abdul Qader Mohammed Al-Qaisi, Judicial Immunity and the Principle of Judicial Independence in Iraqi Islamic and Legal Legislation, Al-Atek Book Manufacturing, Law Library, Baghdad, 2013.

- Dr. Ghazi Faisal Mahdi, Legal System for Promotion in Public Service in Iraq, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Baghdad, 1992.

- Dr. Mohamed Refaat Abdel Wahab, Administrative Judiciary, Halabi Human Rights Publications, First Book, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition, 2005.

Judge Nabil Abdulrahman Hayawi, Legal Library, Baghdad, 2011.

Third: Laws and Instructions:

Law No. 49 of 1972 The Law on Organizing Universities is published on the website: t = 20788

The University Service Law No. 23 of 2008, as amended by Law No. (1) of 2014, the Second Amendment Law of the University Service Law.

- Law of the State Council of State No. 65 of 1979, as amended by Law No. 71 of 2017, published in the Iraqi Chronicle No. 4456 on 7/8/2018.

- Law of the Ministry of Education No. (22) for the year 2011, published in Iraqi facts No. 4209 on 19/9/2011.

- The Universities and Colleges Law No. 13 of 1996, repealed.

- Law No. 25 of 2016 Law of Higher National Education published in the Iraqi Gazette No. 4416 on 19/9/2016.

- Instructions for the promotion of scientific universities and the Technical Education Board No. 36 of 1992, repealed.

- Scientific Promotion Instructions No. 167 of 2017 published in the Iraqi Gazette No. 4471 on 27/11/2017.

- Directory of scientific promotions at the University of Baghdad is publis- hed at:

Cómo citar
Abd Al-Hadi, M. A. (2019). Scientific Promotions - University of Baghdad model. Opción, 35(88), 1185-1102. Recuperado a partir de