The reference in the verses of sleep in the Quran and its effect on the text coherence

  • Hamasat Mohammed Hasan Jawad


Referral is one of the most important means of textual coherence. It plays a vital and important role in the cohesion of texts. It is indispensable for any text, because it is the basis and structure on which these texts are based. The reference in the nine verses of sleep in the Holy Quran, all kinds of referral pronouns, and referral by the name of the signal, as well as the name connected. The assignment was linked to all its sections between short and long senten- ces, creating a communication relationship between the text and the recipient. The linguistic miracle of the Holy Qur'an, and the ability of the Lord of Glory in the formation and management of the universe, were revea- led by reducing many of the events in the verses of sleep, with almost no pronouns and names of references and references referred to many to avoid repetition.

Biografía del autor/a

Hamasat Mohammed Hasan Jawad
The university of Al-Mostansiriyah / College of Education / Arabic language department


• The Holy Quran

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• Editing and Enlightenment: Tahir Ibn Ashour, D.T, Tunisian Publishing House, (d.

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• Diwan Zuhair Bin Abi Salma: Investigation: Hamdou Tammas, II, Department of Knowledge, Lebanon, Beirut 2005

• The Arabic language: Ibn Masur Abu al-Fadl, Jamal al-Din Muhammad ibn Makram (711 AH), 1, Dar Sader, Beirut, 2000

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• The arbitrator and the vast majority: Ibn al-Sayyid Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Ismail (458 e), investigation: Abdul Hamid Hindawi,

• Dictionary of Language Standards: Abu Al-Hussein Ahmed bin Fares bin Zakaria (395 e), investigation: Abdul Salam Mohammed Harun, Dar Al-Fikr for printing, publishing and distribution.

• Vocabulary in the strange Koran: Ragheb Al-Asfahani Abu Al-Qasim Al-Hussein bin Mohammed (502 e), investigation: Safwan Adnan Daoudi, Dar Al-Qalam, Damascus.

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Cómo citar
Hasan Jawad, H. M. (2019). The reference in the verses of sleep in the Quran and its effect on the text coherence. Opción, 35, 1423-1433. Recuperado a partir de